Tuesday, August 18, 2009

school starts tomorrow. . .

Well it really is a crazy week, we've been going to lot's of places to eat and spent, now is time for us to bounce back to reality....that school starts tomorrow.

Ugraders like us have been best buddies, we eventually eat + sleep (not really) + play together..... frankly, our group are very diverse , that came from a variety of continent.

down (left to right) - Sergey (Armenia) - Jaime (El Salvador) - María (Panamá)

middle (left to right)- Alan (Malaysia) - Oscar (Honduras) - Danilo (Venezuela) - Zhanat (Kazakhstan) - Huda (Iraq) - Weiwei (China)

up (left to right) - Tien (China) - Eldin (Guatemala) (Roommate) - Luka (Montenegro)

Well, for a bunch of Ugraders like us, we've been quite occupied with lot's of stuff to handle like breifing in internship and comunity service. And most importantly, registeration of clases.

my courses include:

marketing subject :

american study:

health curiculum:

The courses in total accumulated a 12 hours credit, which i find it linear. but' i wouldnt judge to early, cuz evryone knows that marketing courses takes lot's of assigment and presentation.

The education system is quite flexible here, because student get to choose wat ever courses they want and desire. like marketing (major) + music (minor). i don't recall having major back in UM, but this system is actually giving student more space of growing, with an option to choose.

One significant diffrence that i realize here, was the responsibility given to the student organization in establishing functional program and intresting activities for student to join. the student involment in any fraternities is very flexible, as long as it attracts the intrest of student. like a foam party i went yesterday...it was cool...but not really my stuff...

the next day, we attended UAH very own convo ceremony for their freshman, it was a very happening event, it marks the arrival of new student to UAH, and their arrival marks from the speeches from the president of UAH and the greetings from all the faculty member...all of them were wearing nice looking "jubah" and "sent" the student "in" instead of out, by forming 2 lines and let the freshman to cross over them in between...quite of a privilledge.

after seeing them how they welcome their student into the university, i really felt that M'sia should have this kind of stuff. It makes the student here such an honour to have enter this very university. and i do felt the atmosphere....

In huntsville, the place are so spread out, you can't go anywhere without a means of transportation, people usually make use of thier cars and travel around here. exchange student like us, might be the only one here with our No.11 bus (walking with our feet), we did'nt manage to get a bike here, as it was all taken upon our request....we are now officially walking through out the whole semester. and for that, i hope i can loose wight....

Neverthless, people here are very friendly and helpfull. you can get automatic assistence from any strangers around you, and they are more than happy to be there for you. i find that very nice.

well....a few hours to go for my classs...by the way, my 1st classtomorow is swimming..it starts at 6am...and i have to wakeup at 5am....sigh...

this is a pic. we took from the bridge out side our campus. =) nice !

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